Recovery Stories

“My continued recovery work has prepared me to trust deeply in the work we have done as my loved one relapsed after a year of sobriety. The commitment we continue to honor weekly and my transition from crisis care to my own recovery work gave me tools to identify the choices I want to make versus reactionary behaviors. Reflecting on the circumstances has deepened my understanding of addiction. Coaching led reflection has given me a new understanding of addiction’s deceitful trademark and grown my understanding of my own denial. The work had impacted my own surrender. Lisa’s coaching honors my faith and my process.”

— Kelly D.

“I gained more wisdom and confidence from Lisa. She asked me questions that I hadn’t thought about. How I would react in situations involving alcohol. This helped me be mindful and alert as to how I was feeling and what I needed to help me stay sober. It worked, all the suggestions worked, and kept me sober.”

— Patti K.